Today we already done our second event. And our event was run so cool!
In HIV AIDS Campaign, we had a long march from Governor office untill RRI Padang and back to Governor Office again.
Our event was supported by governor and all of the governor office staff. After had an morning exercise in Governor office, AIESECers and all participant join with Governor ‘World AIDS DAY’ event. In this Governor event, our LCP, Haris Dwi Putra had a chance to speech in front of Governor office staff.

And we didn’t forget to collect name and comment from all of participant about HIV AIDS.

Our long march was opened by Province Secretary and we start the long march.

During the way, we spread the brochure about HIV AIDS and shout out the dangerous of HIV AIDS.

In RRI padang, we collect name and comment again, and Julie, our trainee from Austalia had a speech.

This is a part of Julie’s speech:
“Today, we live our days in fear of unsafety. It is not a wonderful place anymore like when God created a heavenly nature for us providing plenty of food and shelter for all humans. Human greed has destroyed the planet as we have to cope with many threats, such as war, terrorism, pollution, disasters and disease. Now, HIV is rising as one of the most horrible pandemics, as research says the disease is spreading at unprecedently accelerated speed.
AIESEC is the world’s largest student-driven organization in over 107 countries with over 50.000 members. We are devoted to put our power together in order to develop our world and improve our lives. The HIV campaign in Padang is a powerfull local action of efforts to protect the city as a HIV free zone and we believe in reaching to our neighbors in the world.
Here, I would like to ask for every possible support from the members of the community. Please join us in our efforts to STOP HIV movement. We can make a difference.”
Waaaa. GOOD JOB Julie.
That’s really a great speech. What Julie said in her speech was right. The people in another country is really aware and focus to face HIV AIDS, why we can’t be like them?
Diana, nabs and angelic conduct the game session in governor office after we had a long march.

Thank you for coming in our HIV AIDS campaign, we really appreciate it.

Make Padang be Free Zone of HIV AIDS!