Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Project Based on Exchange Education's Public Exposure
"Give Your Hand"

November 2nd 2008

Andalas Plaza Padang

11.00 AM

"Lets Show That We're Care About Them...They Are Not Forgotten...And They Also Have a Chance to Make They Dreams Come True, Just Like Anyone Else"

The D-Day are Getting Near...

It's not Indonesian Idol Training Camp, It's PBOX Education Singing Class...We're Not Make an Idol, We're The Idol!!! Hehehe...

In Public Exposure (November 2nd 2008 at Plaza Andalas Padang...make sure you gonna come!!) these kids will sing-two-songs...I Have a Dream and I Believe I Can Fly.

Two?! Yes, why not?!!
We have a great teacher here...

He is Bang Dadang...!!!
And He do it for free!!!
God bless you Bang!!!!!

Under Bang Dadang superefficient way of training, these kid's singing capability is going better and better and better.

Good Job Bang, Try Hard Kids!!!

The People of Padang waits for you all!!

Keep The Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!

The D-Day are Getting Near...

We have to do a lot of things...

These are picture taken when the children (well, there are two-look-like-adult between the children, thought.) practicing Tari Indang at PGAI Orphanage

The practice conduct by our beloved Local Committee President, Ika Rahmayutari (thanks for her kindness...god bless you Ika...) and Arlan Yuliandrie, former member of 2007-2008 AIESEC Andalas University Executive Board
(Wuih...what a light-hearted
people that you are Arlan...
god bless you bro...)

If they keep training like that, surely it will be a great performance!!!!
Can't wait to see it!!!


Our New Trainee From India and Japan!!!

Here They Are....

AJIT (The Man)
PRIYA (The Woman)
Misaki (Also a Woman)

Thanks For Come and Join Us!!

Keep the Spiri

Kamis, 18 September 2008

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

She was PBoX Education's Trainee

Bye Vera...

...and thanks for everything that you've done

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Opening Seminar

Opening Seminar PBOX HIV/AIDS Extension 2008:
Weinvite you all AIESEC Members To come to This opening Seminar:
Date: Thursday, August 7th,2008
Place : SMK N 6, Jati.
Spraker : From Lantera

There will be high school students as the participants there.
"can not wait to see you there, let's together for sounding the change for cumunity"

Senin, 28 Juli 2008


Wahhhh...keren akhirnya kita bener2 bisa ngejalanin the REAL PBOX with 7 trainee...kelebihan 3 mah...agiah sen ka PBOX Education..hahhahaa.....

Congratz ya lan.....
Finally U did it Bro!!!!

Whatever it takes, keep spirit yah.....
yang ga terlihat bukan berarti ga ada....
luv u PBOXer....

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

PBoX HIV/AIDS 2008 extension

Hi all,...

sekarang bakal ada lagi pbox hiv/aids 2008 extension...insyaAllah, acara pembukaannya akan di adakan pada tanggal 2 agustus 2008..semua pda datang ya...

o iya..wlaupun cuma punya OC 1...tapi bule nya banyak..eheheh...

paniang den pake bahasa inggris..patah2 lidah den meeting...hohoho

Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Opening PBoX Education

Syukurlah...Openingnya udah...
Berikut potongan-potongan gambar dari kejadian-kejadian saat Opening PBoX Education...
Situation in Opening PBOX Education PGAI, Padang
Putra The OCP
LCP AIESEC UA 2008/2009, Ika Rahmayutari gave speech in Opening PBoX Education
Mr Muchlis Syuaib, from BKSPA
Mr Djulin Sulaiman, Head of PGAI Padang
Mr Syahrial Syarif, BoA AIESEC Universitas Andalas in Opening PBoX Education
Duo MC in action, Ilham and Olin
Bang Ridwan Tulus giving Motivation Speech in Opening PBoX Education
The "Volunteers" having fun with Vera
Vera have a conversation with children from PGAI Orphanage...(do you think Vera can understand what they're saying?)

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Opening PBoX Education

These are the flashback of Opening PBoX Education

In pieces of picture...

and a little words...

Training PBOX Pertama

July 15th,2008
We already finished our first training for PBOX Education Yayasan Yatim PGAI,
Today we held English Training for the students of PGAI after we had " Get To Know You" for all them first.
Tomorrow we will held Communication Skill Training for them. There will be 37 students there and training team will responsible for it.
then, next day we will continue for IT Training.
That's all about PBOX Education,

Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

OC of PBoX Education

Here They Are..!!! (Yeeee.....!!!) :

Indika Juang Putra (Putra) as OCP

Intan Permata Sari (Teteh/Intan...pilih aja mau yg mana) as OC External Relation

Anggi Widya (Anggi) as OC Programmer

Verselly Nisaa (Nene) as OC Event and Equipments

Stephani Notarisa (Anik) as OC Finance and Secretary

A. Hafezd M (Hafezd) as OC Publication and Customer Service

Yeeee....yang semangat ya kakak2...

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Invitation for Farewell Party LUcas

Dear AIESEC member,
we will held farewell party for LUcas (trainee from Netherlands)

date: 20 May 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 5 pm
Place: Swimming Pool (Pangeran Beach Hotel)

hope to see u there....
Thanks so muchhhh...

Senin, 19 Mei 2008


RED RIBBON SEMINAR lancar and sukses bRad...
PBoX kali niy keren bgt,,,,
ocs,,,,we have done a GREAT JOB...!!!!
gw baNgga bgt ma kerja keras qta slama niy...
ad yg ga tidur,, ad yg pulang malem trus2an smpe kna marah sm org tuanya, ga makan smpe skit perut gr2 nungguin stand, panas2an bagiin flyer d smua t4 d pdg, ad yg smpe nangis darah gr2 dikejar deadline, ad yg dimarahin dosen gr2 ga bikin tugas karna trlalu sibuk preparation...
usaha n pengorbanan qta itu membuahkan hasil yg manis bgt...
publikasi yang jor2an,, dg peserta yang byk bgt...
qta smua udah berhasil bikin acara yg "WAW",,
makasi bgt buat smua yg udah bantuin qta slama 6 bulan ini..
especially thx :
  • EB, SV, SC, all aiesec members
  • tmn2 SMA 10, 3, Adabiah, 1, 2, dll
  • bwt smua sponsor qta
  • bwt dr Joni Iswanto dari Dinkes
  • Uni Puspa dan Uda Edmi dari IUUKP
  • dr. Erly Indrama
  • kak Egy n kak wahyuni dari Lantera
  • dr. IRENE, MKM dari Dinkes
  • uda Roby dari IUUKP
  • bg Ari dari Lantera
  • kak Oji dari Lantera
  • mas Daniel Marguari dari Yayasan Spiritia
  • dr. H. Armen Ahmad, Sp.Pd, KPTI
  • trus juga buat Training Team yang bantuin qta waktu roadshow ke SMA
  • Imam Bonjol
  • Pak Polisi yg bantuin qta wktu campaign
  • ibu2 senam yg jg bantuin qta wktu campaign
  • Gubernur Sumatera Barat
  • Dinas Pendidikan
  • Rocky Plaza Hotel
  • Universitas Andalas atas peminjaman gedung aula fekon jati
  • pokoknya smua stakeholder qta.....


Senin, 12 Mei 2008

red ribbon seminar

pbox hiv/aids ua akan mengadakan seminar tgl 18 may jam 08.30-finish, d rocky plaza hotel,
so datang ya d acara kita
seminar fee nya 15.000 (sertfikat, semianar kit, snack)
o ya, bgi 75 pendaftar tercepat dapet perdana "3" gratis......
end satu lagi, kita pnya bnyak bgt doorprizes d acara ni......
tiketna bisa d beli d:
- sekre AIESEC (PKM lantai 2, fekon jati) (jam 3- jam 5)
- persimpangan B,C,D and d gedung F (jam kuliah)
- PKM (pusat kegiatan mahasiswa) UNAND (jam kuliah)
- lily net( pasar baru)
- gramedia book store
- plaza ekonomi (jam kuliah)

buruan dateng rame2 end ajak temennya banyak2 ya!!!!!

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008

campaign to downtown

ayo tebak niy sapa?? thx ya buu,, btw,, boil yg d belakang tu kenal deh..hehe