Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Opening Event of PBOX EARTHQUAKE 2

Finally, we held the opening event of PBOX Earthquake this morning at SD TIRTONADI, April 24, 2010. Although we just have a short time, but congrats for OC Programmer who able to arrange this event (again). Every students look happy and enjoy it. So many activities they did, such as drawing competition and of course get earthquake education from our learning partner KOGAMI.

This opening was attended by representative from our partner, NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORK.

Awaker Team of PBOX Earthquake 2:
OCP: Mahathir
OC Programmer: Novia Citra Valinca
OC communication: Farah Fajar
OC Communication: Clarissa P. Putri
OC Communication: Waasil Dewi Putri
OC Finance & Secretary: Rizki Susanti
OC eXchange: Luhur Hamba Dewi
OC eXchange: Ratih Ramadhani
OC Logistic: Panji Agus Tian

we gonna held our 1st WORKSHOP next saturday on May 1, 2010 at SMP N 5. there will be lot of education.

Project Partner:
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