The first agenda was speech from OCP of PBOX EARTHQUAKE 2 and also speech from headmaster of SMK NUSATAMA. After that, we continue our agenda by dividing all of students into 8 groups with 1 trainee and 1 OC of PBOX EARTHQUAKE 2 so that the students can share their earthquake experience. Not only that, the students also had to make evacuation map of their school in a piece of paper. There was so many reward for the best students and the best groups who was active during the session. The students got a lot of knowladge about earthquake and tsunami from presentation that given by facilitator. This workshop was so excited when the trainees performed a drama gesture about earthquake.
All of the activity that have done not only will increase the students’ knowledge about earthquake and tsunami, but also teach them what should and shouldn’t they do if earthquake and tsunami happen.
Awaker Team of PBOX Earthquake 2:
OCP: Mahathir
OC Programmer: Novia Citra Valinca
OC communication: Farah Fajar
OC Communication: Clarissa P. Putri
OC Communication: Waasil Dewi Putri
OC Finance & Secretary: Rizki Susanti
OC eXchange: Luhur Hamba Dewi
OC eXchange: Ratih Ramadhani
OC Logistic: Panji Agus Tian
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